We offer the following professionals services

Our Services


Microblading is a semi-permanent cosmetic technique. It is performed using a manual, handheld blade, made up of very fine needles, to “draw” each individual hair into the skin. Hairstrokes are made following the client’s natural brow hair pattern. It is ideal for people with sparse, patchy or no eyebrow hair, who want full and beautiful brows that are still totally natural looking.

2 Hours |  $349
6 Week Touch Up $49

Combo Brow

Combo Brows are a form of semi-permanent makeup. It is a combination of microbladed hairstrokes and powder brow techniques. The brows are given structure and made fuller using microblading, then given a makeup look using the powder brow technique. Combo brows can be as soft or as bold as the client prefers. Combo Brows are ideal for someone with sparse eyebrow hair who want more shape and color.

2 Hours |  $349
6 Week Touch Up $49  

Powder (Ombre) Brow

Powder Brows is a semi-permanent make up technique. It is preformed using a machine that is like a tattoo gun. The machine layers pixelated pigment into the skin to appear like powder makeup. Powder Brows can be as soft or as bold as the client prefers. Powder brows are ideal for almost any skin type and for people who already have full eyebrows.

2 Hours |  $349
6 Week Touch Up $49

Nano Brows

Like Microblading, nano brows is the process of creating individual hair strokes resulting in natural and fuller looking brows. Unlike Microblading which is done using a very small blade, Nano hair strokes are made using a single needle cartridge in a machine similar to a tattoo machine. The nano process is much less traumatic for the skin than Microblading leaving consistently beautiful, healed results. Nano brows is suitable for all skin types whereas Microblading cannot be done on individuals with oils skin or large pores.

3 Hours |  $399
6 Week Touch Up $99

Lip Blush

Lip Blush is a semi permanent makeup technique for creating fuller looking lips with just a "blush" of color. This is not for creating a lipstick effect. Depositing pixelated pigment into the lips will result in the lips having a subtle color and beautiful shape. Lip blush can also help even out minor asymmetry. 

3 Hours |  $399  
6 Week Touch Up $99

Brow + Lip Bundle

Bundle our FAB lips with any of our Brow service and save today! 6 week touch up included

6 Hours or 2 Appointments |  $749

Saline or Emergency Removal

Can be done on NEW PMU within 48 hours of having it done. The newer the better the results. Will drastically lighten or completely remove new PMU.  

Saline Removal

1 Session $149 | 3 Appointment Bundle $349

Emergency Removal

180 mins |  $199  

We are so excited to work with you!

Butterfly Beauty is excited to help you on your journey to PMU! We understand you might have questions and concerns, so don’t hesitate to book your appointment!

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.